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Meet our #teamlidl

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Who are we?

EN Meet us (general facts)

Find out more about our successful Lidl history below

Lidl 1973


Lidl is the largest European food retail chain. Together with Kaufland, it is part of the SCHWARZ group whose headquarters are located in Neckarsulm, Germany. Our success story begins in 1973 when the first store opened in the city of Ludwigshafen under the name Lidl & Schwarz KG. This store, with only a few employees and 500 products, becomes the foundation of future strategy and expansion.

Lidl 1989


France is the first European country outside of Germany where Lidl begins to expand and continues its strong expansion and growth in other European countries.


Lidl nowadays

Lidl is a family-owned business grounded on a simple philosophy: that customers deserve the highest quality goods and groceries at prices everyone can afford. For more than forty years, Lidl’s unique approach has changed and improved communities across 31 countries, where Lidl has grown to operate around 12,000 stores and employs more than 360,000 people.

NEW Lidl in Macedonia

Lidl in North Macedonia

Lidl is expanding strongly throughout Europe and since September 2021 it has opened its doors in our country, as well.

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Learning and growing together

That is why we encourage our team to get out of the comfort zone and to break new ground. Mistakes are part of the growing path, we perceive mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. In Lidl, everyone is encouraged to be themselves, to respect each other, work together which is our driver and biggest motivation.

Our success is а result of teamwork

Thousands of different stories and personalities, and each of us has a part to play in shaping our culture and our future. Our business is built on their commitment, and our success is their success.

Our Team

Internationally, our workforce gathers people from different nationalities, skill sets and ages, and we have a gender-balanced leadership team. We strive to have simple, efficient, and effective processes, where teamwork is high priority and communication is open and transparent.

Lidl as an employer

In Lidl, we are dedicated to fostering a productive yet flexible culture and work environment and internationally we have been recognized as a fair and progressive employer. We care for our people above all, and a strong Code of Conduct is in place to protect our employees.

Open up for new career opportunites!

Check out our job ads for your career in Lidl!

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